Sunday, January 19, 2014

20 Things....

1. The goal of life isn't self-preservation, that's impossible no one has ever left this planet for good alive. The goal of life is to make an impact, hopefully for good.

2. People intuitively get this at some level. Most people at some level would rather think of themselves as strong, deep, and special rather than comfortable. Isn't this why about every little kid takes pride in "doing it himself"? Isn't this part of what brings people into the door for CrossFit? How many of us stayed in difficult relationships feeling on some level it was a badge of honor? Many are called....

3. But most people don't follow though. The work to be strong, deep, and special is too hard, and the couch feels too good. few are chosen.

4. If you are someone who follows through and who consistently does the extra effort you are far ahead of 90% of everyone else.

5. Think your actions through. It takes a lot more energy to fix a stupid mistake than it does to have never made it in the first place.

6. On the other hand, the goal aint perfection. That's impossible. Even if it were, the most compelling people are often those who came back from their mistakes.

7. If I can describe how I matured in one sentence, it would be that I take responsibility for my actions and think things through much better.

8. If I could describe how I matured in two sentences, I became aware of how much others' actions really were about me. It's actually most of the time not that much.

9. Writing is hard. It took me a long time even to get to 9 things.

10. 50% of the people who drive Cadillac Escalades are tools.

11. 65% of the people who drive Lincoln Navigators are tools.

12. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they drive. I don't think I'd ever date or hire someone who squats in the left lane on the freeway driving less than the speed limit.

13.  Everyone really has the same worth. No one is all that. I mean, take someone who is especially smart, good-looking, strong, and accomplished. How long would it take for you to not stand them if they happened to think it gave them carte blanche to cut in line or act like a jackass?

14. I like to pursue.

15. When women say they want a nice guy, what they really mean is that they want the guy they are attracted to, to BE nice. As in they fall for the guy for his masculinity, his drive, his smarts, his whatever, and then they hope he turns out to be nice.

16. I'm a sucker for anything done really really well. I admire a really well-written piece of computer code. I admire a really well-laid out lecture. I admire a really smooth muscle-up technique in CrossFit or someone's amazing souble-under technique. I admire an especially smooth parallel-parking job. Hell I was admiring the pattern the barista made at the top of my latte this morning. Such a work of art, it pained me to drink it.

17. You want to get into a guy's heart, compliment him on his driving.

18. A woman who has a passion and pursues it--that's really hot to me.

19. Ever since I got into CrossFit, I've gotten much better at chunking tasks down. The workout calls for 45 reps? I think that if I get to 30, I'm almost done. If I get to 20--20 is "almost" 30, then I am "almost almost" done. If I get to 14, well, 14 is "almost" 20, then I am "almost almost almost" done. Kinda silly when you lay it out like that but it works for me.

20. When I fly,  I don't mind sitting in the middle seat but I must sit in the front of the plane. Having to wait 20 minutes to get off the plane due to everyone fumbling with their oversized carry ons just isn't cool.

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